
Tupac Amaru Shakur, " I'm Loosing It...We MUST Unite!"
Showing posts with label Daily Habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daily Habits. Show all posts

Monday, October 2, 2023

Black Immigrant Experience: Caribbean to California

 Picture it: You’re on a plane from Jamaica or Trinidad, leaving behind sun-soaked beaches and ancestral land, for the land of dreams—California. The palm trees are still there, but the context is worlds apart. That's right, folks, today we're talking about the Black Immigrant Experience, specifically Caribbean to California.

So let's get into it: Hollywood. Sunny beaches. Silicon Valley. When we talk California, we’re often talking the land of glamour, technology, and endless opportunity. Yet for the Black immigrant coming from the Caribbean, California isn’t just a stage for stardom; it's a complex ecosystem, rife with contradictions. I mean, imagine leaving an island where the majority looks like you to arrive in a place where suddenly, you're categorized, boxed, labeled—often by color, but also by your accent. It's like waking up from a dream to find out you're starring in a play you never auditioned for.

Now, let’s talk daily habits. The morning cup of Blue Mountain Coffee or Trinidadian Cocoa Tea is replaced by Starbucks—basic, I know. But here's a tweak—why not stick a miniature flag of your home country into that double espresso? Yes, make it a habit. Trust me, the feeling of seeing that flag, your heritage, standing tall amid the corporate generic brew—it’s revolutionary. It's a daily statement. It says, "I'm here, I belong, and I bring with me the richness of another world."

Do you feel that? That’s the excitement, the awe of embarking on this new journey while paying homage to your roots. It’s a small act, but potent. If done right, it could even become LinkedIn viral—imagine an army of executives parading their double espressos, each flag representing a narrative, a struggle, a triumph. The sharing wouldn’t just be about the caffeine hit but the culture hit. The narrative of struggle and triumph, the blend of old and new worlds—that’s LinkedIn gold, my friends.

Now, for a narrative. Picture Joan. Born in Haiti, educated in Kingston, but now she’s navigating board meetings in Silicon Valley. Each morning, she sticks her Haitian flag into her coffee and snaps a photo. The flag isn’t just fabric; it’s her story. It's her mother's prayers and her father's sacrifice. One day, her flag-photo reaches an influential CEO. Intrigued, he invites her for a meeting. Lo and behold, Joan isn't just another suit in the Valley; she’s a powerhouse with a distinct worldview. A worldview enriched by her journey from the Caribbean to California. A worldview that disrupts, challenges, and enriches.

In summary, the Black Immigrant Experience from the Caribbean to California isn’t just a geographical shift; it's a shift in narrative, a journey of identity. It’s a daily act of revolution—from that morning coffee flag to breaking boundaries in the boardroom. It is the potent blend of the personal with the professional, the infusion of the Caribbean spirit into the Californian dream, and the transformative power of blending worlds.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Pen and Purpose: Black Journalists Who Changed the Game

The power of the pen is undeniable, but what happens when that pen is wielded by someone who's been told their story doesn't matter? Buckle up. We're diving into the untold impact of Black journalists who not only reported the news but changed the narrative.

Let's cut to the chase: journalism isn't just about reporting facts. Oh no, it's alchemy, a transformative force that can transmute society's base metals into gold. If you think I'm overstepping, hold onto your coffee cups, LinkedIn mavens, because I'm about to turn your daily news-skimming habit into a quest for hidden treasure.

Imagine scrolling through your news feed every morning and instead of the daily humdrum or soul-crushing headlines, you pause to reflect on the narrative architects behind the articles. These are the folks who weave facts into stories that inform your perspective, and what if I told you that some of the most transformative narratives were penned by Black journalists? You see, the act of writing the news for many Black journalists hasn't just been a job—it's been a revolution, a subtle daily mutiny against the prevailing winds of societal narratives. These are the knights and dames in ink-stained armor, who used their quills like swords to cut through prejudices and stereotypes.

Now, imagine adding a twist to your daily routine. Instead of passively consuming news, become an active partaker. As you sip your latte or green tea, hunt for articles by journalists who've reshaped the landscape, writers who've stood in the fire and came out wielding flaming pens of change. Take a moment to share their articles, contribute to their platforms, and tag a thought leader or two, thereby adding depth and color to the often monochrome canvas of mainstream news. This isn't just about sharing an article; it's about sharing a movement.

I promise you, it's as thrilling as cliff diving in the Aegean Sea, as awe-inducing as standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon. Imagine your LinkedIn network lighting up with conversations that have an emotional core, where the stories discussed are as pivotal as quarterly earnings or the latest productivity hacks. It's not just business; it's personal. It's human. It's life-affirming and life-altering.

Picture this: Ida B. Wells, gripping her pen in the late 19th century, bringing the horrors of lynching to the American conscience. Fast forward to the civil rights era, when Ethel Payne wasn't just reporting news; she was the news, pushing U.S. Presidents on their stance toward civil rights during press conferences. Now, rocket ahead to the modern digital age, where writers like Nikole Hannah-Jones are dissecting the very DNA of America to expose the complexities and inequalities that persist. They don't just report the game; they've changed it. In every jot and tittle, in every published article, they’ve inked their purpose into the annals of time.

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