
Tupac Amaru Shakur, " I'm Loosing It...We MUST Unite!"

Friday, March 31, 2023

Afrocentric Architecture: The Beauty of African-Inspired Buildings and Monuments in America

The art of architecture is a manifestation of human creativity that transcends cultures and time. Just as music and dance, architecture speaks to our souls, telling stories of our ancestors and shaping our collective identity. One such story is that of the African diaspora, which has left an indelible mark on the architectural landscape of America.

Afrocentric architecture is a breath of fresh air in a world dominated by conventional designs. It brings the rich history, culture, and traditions of Africa to the forefront, creating structures that not only stand out but also resonate with the African diaspora.

But what makes Afrocentric architecture unique, and where can you find these stunning examples in America? Let's delve into the world of African-inspired buildings and monuments that are gracing the American landscape.

A Blend of Heritage and Modernity

Afrocentric architecture is characterized by its fusion of traditional African design elements and contemporary architectural techniques. This blend of heritage and modernity results in structures that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

African-inspired designs often incorporate geometric patterns, bold colors, and natural materials such as wood, clay, and thatch. Additionally, you'll find that many of these structures emphasize communal living and environmental sustainability, reflecting the values and principles of African societies.

African-American History and Culture on Display

One of the most striking examples of Afrocentric architecture in America is the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. This iconic building, designed by David Adjaye, features a three-tiered, trapezoidal façade that draws inspiration from the Yoruba people's traditional wooden sculptures.

The museum's intricate bronze latticework, known as the "corona," pays homage to the ironwork crafted by enslaved African Americans in the South. Inside, the building's design facilitates a journey through time, exploring the rich history and contributions of African Americans to the nation.

Monuments that Inspire and Educate

Afrocentric monuments, like the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C., serve as important reminders of the struggles and triumphs of the African diaspora. Designed by Lei Yixin, the memorial features a 30-foot statue of Dr. King emerging from a granite stone, symbolizing his role as a leader who emerged from the mountain of despair.

Another awe-inspiring monument is The African Burial Ground National Monument in New York City. This sacred site, discovered in 1991, honors the memory of the thousands of enslaved and free Africans buried there during the 17th and 18th centuries. The monument's design, which includes a map of the African diaspora and a raised platform symbolizing a ship's deck, encourages reflection and education.

Embracing Our African Roots

Afrocentric architecture is more than just a design style; it's a celebration of our African roots and a testament to the resilience and creativity of the African diaspora. By incorporating these designs into our buildings and monuments, we can ensure that the stories and traditions of Africa continue to enrich and inspire future generations.

So, the next time you visit a city with a rich African-American history, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of Afrocentric architecture and the stories it tells.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Power of African Music: How Traditional Sounds and Rhythms Are Influencing the Global Music Scene

The global music scene is an ever-evolving landscape, with different genres and styles emerging and blending seamlessly. In recent years, we've witnessed a surge of interest in African music, as traditional sounds and rhythms have found their way into mainstream hits and captivated audiences worldwide. But what makes African music so powerful, and how has it managed to infiltrate the global music scene? Let's dive into the captivating world of African music and explore its influence on the international stage.

The Unmistakable Rhythms of African Music

African music is characterized by its complex, syncopated rhythms that are impossible to ignore. These rhythms are deeply rooted in the continent's history and tradition, and they reflect the diversity of the cultures that have been influenced by them. Whether it's the pulsating beats of West African drumming or the hypnotic melodies of East African string instruments, African rhythms are undeniably infectious.

The Power of Storytelling

African music has always been a powerful medium for storytelling, with musicians and griots using their voices to share tales of history, love, and struggle. This rich tradition has carried over into modern African music, with artists using their lyrics to express their thoughts and emotions, as well as to comment on social and political issues. This has resonated with listeners around the world, who find a connection to the raw, honest narratives embedded in African music.

Fusing Cultures and Styles

One of the most compelling aspects of African music is its ability to fuse together different styles, genres, and cultures. This fusion has given birth to a plethora of unique sounds, such as Afrobeat, which blends traditional West African rhythms with jazz, funk, and soul. Other examples include Afro-pop, Afro-house, and Afro-fusion, each of which showcases the remarkable adaptability and versatility of African music.

Influence on Global Music Scene

African music's influence on the global music scene is evident in a number of ways. Major artists like Beyoncé, Ed Sheeran, and Drake have incorporated African-inspired beats and melodies into their chart-topping hits, proving that the allure of African music transcends cultural boundaries. Additionally, collaborations between African artists and their international counterparts have become more common, further exposing the world to the beauty of African music.

African Artists Making Waves

The rise of African music on the global stage has also led to the emergence of African artists who are making waves in the industry. From Nigeria's Burna Boy and Wizkid to South Africa's Black Coffee and Sho Madjozi, these artists are not only winning international awards but also commanding the attention of music lovers worldwide.


The power of African music is undeniable, and its influence on the global music scene is only growing stronger. As traditional sounds and rhythms continue to captivate audiences around the world, African music is proving to be an unstoppable force, shaping the future of music and inspiring countless artists and fans alike.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

African Proverbs: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

For centuries, African proverbs have provided guidance, wisdom, and a deep understanding of life to those who heed their messages. These powerful words have transcended time and space, and today, they remain as relevant as ever, offering insights for modern living. In a world of constant change, noise, and information overload, the simplicity and depth of African proverbs offer us a refreshing perspective on life, relationships, and the pursuit of happiness.

Unraveling the Beauty of African Proverbs

The beauty of African proverbs lies in their ability to condense complex ideas into simple, memorable phrases. These sayings are often metaphorical and use the imagery of everyday objects, animals, and nature to convey their meaning. This rich imagery not only makes the proverbs easy to remember but also allows them to resonate with people across generations and cultures.

Unlocking the Wisdom Within

Let us explore a few African proverbs and uncover the wisdom they hold for modern living:

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the rat race and prioritize speed over sustainability. This proverb reminds us of the importance of collaboration, teamwork, and building a support system. By working together, we can achieve more meaningful, lasting success.

"He who learns, teaches." - Ethiopian Proverb

This proverb highlights the importance of continuous learning and sharing knowledge. By educating ourselves, we become better equipped to teach and inspire others. In an era of rapid change and technological advancement, embracing a growth mindset is essential for personal and professional development.

"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth." - African Proverb

The importance of community and nurturing cannot be overstated. This proverb teaches us that when individuals feel excluded or neglected, they may resort to destructive behavior. By fostering a sense of belonging and support, we can create a healthier, more harmonious society.

"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." - African Proverb

Inner peace and self-awareness are invaluable assets in our modern lives. This proverb urges us to confront our fears, insecurities, and doubts to become more resilient and better equipped to face external challenges.

"Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it." - African Proverb

This proverb acknowledges the vastness of wisdom and the importance of humility. Recognizing that we cannot know everything, we must be open to learning from others and appreciating the diversity of perspectives that enrich our lives.


African proverbs offer a treasure trove of ancient wisdom that remains relevant in our modern world. By embracing these timeless insights, we can navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity, purpose, and grace. Let us carry the profound lessons of these proverbs with us as we strive to create a more fulfilling, connected, and compassionate world.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Hidden Gems: 10 Lesser-Known African Destinations to Add to Your Travel Bucket List

Are you tired of the usual tourist spots and looking for something more unique and off the beaten path? Africa is home to countless breathtaking destinations, and today, we're taking you on a journey through 10 lesser-known African destinations that deserve a spot on your travel bucket list. Let's go beyond the popular safaris and explore the hidden gems that this diverse and rich continent has to offer.

Dallol, Ethiopia

Dallol is a volcanic wonderland with vibrant, otherworldly landscapes. The hot springs and sulfuric acid pools create a kaleidoscope of colors that will leave you in awe. This geological masterpiece is not just a visual treat, but also an opportunity to witness the raw power of Mother Nature.

Gorée Island, Senegal

Steeped in history, Gorée Island was once a significant center of the slave trade. Today, it stands as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, reminding us of the strength of the human spirit. Explore the island's colorful colonial architecture and pay your respects at the House of Slaves, a museum dedicated to the memory of the millions of Africans who were forcibly taken from their homes.

Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique

The Bazaruto Archipelago is a tropical paradise, perfect for those seeking serene beaches and crystal-clear waters. These untouched islands are home to diverse marine life, making them an ideal spot for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts.

Danakil Depression, Eritrea

One of the hottest and most inhospitable places on Earth, the Danakil Depression offers an unparalleled adventure. Marvel at the salt plains, volcanic craters, and the unique Afar people's way of life as they expertly mine salt from this harsh environment.

Tiébélé, Burkina Faso

Tiébélé is a captivating village known for its extraordinary traditional architecture. The elaborately decorated mud houses showcase the artistic talent and cultural heritage of the Kassena people, making it a must-visit destination for art and history buffs.

Lake Natron, Tanzania

Lake Natron's otherworldly pink and red hues are a result of the high salt concentration in its waters. This unique lake is home to millions of flamingos, creating a surreal and stunning landscape that's perfect for photographers and nature lovers alike.

The Quirimbas Archipelago, Mozambique

The Quirimbas Archipelago is an unspoiled collection of 32 islands that boast pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and a rich cultural history. Explore the remnants of ancient Arab settlements and immerse yourself in the laid-back island life.

Makgadikgadi Pans, Botswana

The vast salt pans of Makgadikgadi are a sight to behold, stretching across the horizon as far as the eye can see. Witness the annual zebra migration, spot meerkats, and sleep under the stars in this otherworldly landscape.

The Richtersveld, South Africa

The Richtersveld is a rugged, mountainous desert with unique flora and a fascinating cultural heritage. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to the indigenous Nama people and offers a glimpse into their semi-nomadic way of life.

Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove, Nigeria

This lush forest sanctuary is dedicated to the Yoruba goddess Osun and boasts a fascinating collection of sculptures, shrines, and artwork. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove is a testament to the spiritual and artistic traditions of the Yoruba people.


These 10 hidden gems showcase the diversity, beauty, and cultural richness that Africa has to offer. By venturing beyond the usual tourist spots, you will not only experience some of the continent's most awe-inspiring landscapes but also gain a deeper understanding of its history and people. So, pack your bags, and embark on a journey to discover these lesser-known African destinations that will leave you with unforgettable memories and a newfound appreciation for this incredible continent.

Monday, March 27, 2023

African Culinary Delights: Discovering the Flavors of Africa Beyond Jollof Rice and Fufu

African cuisine is renowned for its bold flavors, use of spices, and unique ingredients. Popular African dishes such as Jollof Rice and Fufu have become well-known across the world, but there is so much more to African food than these two staples. In this blog post, we will take a journey through the diverse and delicious world of African cuisine, exploring lesser-known dishes and traditions.

The Diverse Flavors of Africa

Africa is a vast and diverse continent, and this is reflected in its cuisines. From the spicy, aromatic dishes of North Africa to the savory stews of West Africa and the sweet treats of East Africa, there is a wide range of flavors to discover. The impact of colonization and the influence of European and Asian cuisines on African food also make for a unique fusion of flavors and styles.

Beyond Jollof Rice and Fufu

While Jollof Rice and Fufu are certainly delicious, they only scratch the surface of African cuisine. Some lesser-known African dishes include Bobotie, a South African meat pie made with curry powder and raisins, and Doro Wat, an Ethiopian chicken stew made with spicy berbere seasoning. These dishes are just a small example of the diversity of flavors and ingredients used in African cuisine.

African Food Culture and Traditions

Food is an essential part of African cultures and traditions. Communal eating and sharing of meals are important aspects of daily life, with food often playing a central role in celebrations and rituals. For example, the Yam Festival in Ghana is a harvest celebration where yams are cooked and shared with the community. Understanding the cultural significance of African food adds another layer of appreciation for the cuisine.

Bringing African Cuisine to the World

African cuisine is gaining popularity globally, with African restaurants and chefs making waves in the culinary industry. As people continue to seek out new and unique flavors, African cuisine has the potential to become a major player in the global food scene. By showcasing the diversity and richness of African food

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Breaking Down Barriers: The Fight for Equality and Justice for African Americans and the Diaspora

The journey towards equality and justice for African Americans and the diaspora has been long and difficult. From the struggles of the Civil Rights movement to the ongoing fight against systemic racism, it is clear that breaking down barriers is an ongoing process. However, the progress made so far is a testament to the resilience and determination of black communities around the world.

The fight for equality and justice has been marked by significant moments throughout history. From the abolition of slavery to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, there have been victories won, but also setbacks and ongoing challenges. Despite progress, the fight against racism and discrimination is still ongoing, and the road ahead remains long.

One of the biggest barriers to progress is systemic racism. This can be seen in the criminal justice system, where African Americans and other people of color are disproportionately targeted, charged, and incarcerated. It can also be seen in the economic system, where racial inequality continues to persist, with black communities facing higher rates of poverty and lower rates of access to resources and opportunities.

However, the fight for equality and justice is not just about breaking down systemic barriers. It is also about changing hearts and minds. It is about challenging prejudices and stereotypes, and creating a culture of inclusivity and respect for all. This is a challenge that must be taken up by all individuals, communities, and institutions.

Breaking down barriers is a collective effort that requires action on multiple levels. It requires policy changes that address systemic inequalities, as well as individual actions that challenge biases and promote equality. It also requires solidarity between different communities, recognizing that the fight for equality and justice is interconnected and universal.

In conclusion, the fight for equality and justice for African Americans and the diaspora is an ongoing struggle that requires the participation and dedication of all. The journey towards breaking down barriers is long and difficult, but progress is possible. With collective action and a commitment to change, we can continue to make strides towards a more just and equitable society.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Stories of Triumph from African American and Diasporic History

Throughout history, African Americans and the Diaspora have faced immense adversity, from slavery and colonialism to discrimination and racism. Despite these challenges, the black community has demonstrated incredible resilience, overcoming obstacles and triumphing over adversity.

One of the most inspiring examples of resilience in African American and Diasporic history is the story of Harriet Tubman. Born into slavery in Maryland, Tubman escaped to freedom in Philadelphia in 1849. She then made over a dozen trips back to the South, leading hundreds of other slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. Tubman's courage and determination made her a hero and a symbol of hope for the abolitionist movement.

Another example of resilience is the story of Nelson Mandela, who spent 27 years in prison for his anti-apartheid activism in South Africa. Despite the harsh conditions and years of separation from his family, Mandela never lost hope or his commitment to justice. After his release, he went on to become the first black President of South Africa, working to dismantle apartheid and promote reconciliation.

These stories of resilience and triumph demonstrate the power of determination and perseverance, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. They remind us that we can overcome adversity and achieve great things if we stay focused on our goals and refuse to give up.

As we continue to navigate the challenges of the present day, we can draw inspiration from the resilience of those who have come before us. By learning from the past and embracing the lessons of history, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.

In conclusion, the stories of resilience and triumph from African American and Diasporic history are a testament to the human spirit and its ability to overcome adversity. By sharing these stories and learning from their examples, we can find the strength to face our own challenges and work towards a better tomorrow.

Friday, March 24, 2023

From Africa to the Americas: Tracing the Diaspora of Black Communities Worldwide

As humans, we are all products of our heritage and history. For Black communities worldwide, this history is marked by centuries of displacement, oppression, and forced migration. The African diaspora is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has had a profound impact on the cultures, economies, and societies of the Americas and beyond.

The transatlantic slave trade, which lasted from the 16th to the 19th century, forcibly removed millions of Africans from their homes and transported them to the Americas. These enslaved Africans were treated as property and subjected to brutal conditions, including forced labor, physical abuse, and cultural erasure.

Despite these horrific circumstances, enslaved Africans and their descendants were able to create vibrant and enduring communities that blended elements of African and American cultures. From the Gullah Geechee communities of the US South to the maroon societies of Brazil, Black communities throughout the Americas have forged new identities that reflect their unique histories and struggles.

The African diaspora has also had a significant impact on global culture. African music, dance, cuisine, and art have all been incorporated into the mainstream of popular culture, influencing artists and creatives across the world. The legacy of the African diaspora is also evident in the struggle for civil rights and social justice that has been waged by Black communities around the world.

Despite these achievements, the legacy of the African diaspora continues to be marked by inequality, discrimination, and marginalization. Black communities around the world continue to face systemic barriers to success and advancement, including economic inequality, political disenfranchisement, and cultural erasure.

As we continue to navigate the complex legacy of the African diaspora, it is important to recognize the resilience, creativity, and diversity of Black communities worldwide. By acknowledging the past and working to build a more just and equitable future, we can honor the struggles and triumphs of the generations that have come before us.

In conclusion, the African diaspora is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has shaped the history and culture of the Americas and beyond. By tracing the diaspora of Black communities worldwide, we can gain a deeper understanding of the legacies of slavery, colonialism, and racism that continue to shape our world today. However, we must also recognize the resilience, creativity, and diversity of Black communities and work to build a more just and equitable future for all.

The Future of African America: Embracing Diversity and Equality

As we look towards the future, it is imperative that we address the issues of diversity and equality in African America. For too long, our society has been plagued by systemic racism and discrimination, which has resulted in significant disparities in education, healthcare, employment, and access to basic resources.

The good news is that progress has been made. African Americans have fought tirelessly to achieve equal rights and opportunities, and we have seen significant advancements in recent years. But there is still much work to be done.

The first step towards a better future is to embrace diversity. We must acknowledge and celebrate the unique cultural identities and experiences of African Americans, and recognize the contributions they have made to our society. By doing so, we can break down the barriers that have prevented us from fully embracing the richness and diversity of our community.

In addition, we must continue to fight for equality. This means ensuring that every African American has access to quality education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. It means addressing issues such as police brutality and mass incarceration, which disproportionately impact our community. And it means advocating for policies that promote economic and social justice for all.

But achieving equality is not enough. We must also work towards equity – ensuring that everyone has the resources and support they need to succeed. This includes investing in programs and initiatives that provide access to affordable housing, healthcare, and education, and supporting businesses and organizations that are committed to creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

Finally, we must recognize that the future of African America is not just about us – it is about the world we live in. We must build bridges across racial and cultural divides, and work together to create a more just and equitable society for all. Only by embracing diversity and equality can we truly create a better future for African America and beyond.

In conclusion, the future of African America is bright, but it will require hard work, commitment, and a willingness to embrace diversity and equality. Let us all work together to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

African Americans: Our Stories, Our Voices

Black History Month is a time to celebrate the achievements of African Americans and to reflect on the history of racism and discrimination in the United States. It is also a time to listen to the stories of African Americans and to hear their voices. There are many stories to tell about African Americans. Some stories are of triumph and success, while others are of struggle and pain. But all of these stories are important, because they help us to understand the full range of the African American experience. One of the most important stories to tell is the story of slavery. Slavery was a system of oppression that dehumanized and exploited African Americans. It was a system that denied African Americans their basic human rights. The story of slavery is a dark one, but it is also a story of resistance and resilience. African Americans fought back against slavery, and they eventually won their freedom. But the legacy of slavery continues to shape the lives of African Americans today. Another important story to tell is the story of the civil rights movement. The civil rights movement was a struggle for equality and justice for African Americans. It was a movement that changed the course of American history. The civil rights movement was successful in many ways. It led to the desegregation of schools and public facilities. It also led to the passage of laws that prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. But the civil rights movement was not without its challenges. African Americans continued to face discrimination and oppression even after the movement ended. And the legacy of the civil rights movement is still being debated today. The story of African Americans is a complex and multifaceted one. It is a story of triumph and tragedy, of resistance and resilience. It is a story that is still being written.

Black History Is American History

Black history is American history. It is a part of our shared heritage and should be celebrated by all Americans. Black Americans have made significant contributions to our country, in every field from science and technology to the arts and culture. One of the most important contributions of Black Americans is their role in the fight for civil rights. Black Americans have been at the forefront of the struggle for equality for centuries, and their efforts have helped to make our country a more just and equitable place. Another important contribution of Black Americans is their role in the arts and culture. Black Americans have made significant contributions to American music, literature, and film. Their work has helped to shape our national identity and to make our country a more vibrant and diverse place. Black History Is American History. We should all take pride in the contributions of Black Americans to our country. We should also continue to work to make our country a place where all people are treated with respect and dignity.

Monday, March 20, 2023

The Art of Storytelling in Africa: From Folktales to Contemporary Literature and Film

African storytelling has a rich tradition that has been passed down through generations. From ancient folktales to contemporary literature and film, storytelling remains an integral part of African culture. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of storytelling in Africa, from its historical roots to its modern-day expressions.

Folktales and Oral Traditions

Folktales are the cornerstone of African storytelling. These stories were traditionally passed down orally, from generation to generation, and were used to teach valuable life lessons. These stories often feature animals, such as the wise tortoise, the cunning spider, or the strong elephant. Through these animal characters, folktales explore themes such as greed, jealousy, and the consequences of one's actions.

The Influence of Colonialism

The arrival of European colonial powers in Africa had a significant impact on African storytelling. Many of the traditional stories were lost or forgotten, as colonial powers sought to impose their own cultural values and norms. However, African storytellers continued to adapt and evolve their craft, incorporating new influences and styles.

Contemporary Literature

In recent years, African literature has gained international acclaim. Writers such as Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o have brought African storytelling to a global audience, showcasing the richness and diversity of African cultures. Their works explore a wide range of themes, from political upheaval to coming-of-age stories.

The Role of Film

African film has also played a significant role in modern storytelling. From classic films such as Ousmane Sembène's "Black Girl" to more recent productions such as "Black Panther," African filmmakers have explored a wide range of themes and genres. Film has also provided a platform for African voices to be heard, both within the continent and beyond.


The art of storytelling in Africa is a testament to the richness and diversity of African cultures. From the ancient folktales to the modern-day expressions in literature and film, storytelling remains a powerful tool.

The Role of Traditional Medicine in African Cultures: Understanding the Healing Practices and Beliefs of African Communities

Traditional medicine has been a part of African cultures for centuries. It is deeply ingrained in the belief systems and practices of many African communities, and has played a crucial role in the health and well-being of millions of people. In this blog post, we will explore the role of traditional medicine in African cultures, and gain a better understanding of the healing practices and beliefs that underpin it.

History of Traditional Medicine in Africa:

Traditional medicine has a long history in Africa, with evidence of its use dating back thousands of years. Many traditional healing practices are based on the use of plants and herbs, which are believed to have medicinal properties. In addition to plants, traditional medicine also incorporates spiritual and cultural elements, with healers often using rituals, incantations, and other methods to heal their patients.

Beliefs and Practices:

The belief systems that underpin traditional medicine in Africa are complex and diverse. In many cultures, illness is believed to be caused by a disruption in the balance between the spiritual and physical world. Traditional healers are often seen as intermediaries between these two worlds, and are therefore highly respected in their communities. The healing practices used by traditional healers are diverse, and can include everything from herbal remedies to massage, acupuncture, and other forms of physical therapy.

Challenges and Opportunities:

Despite its long history and importance in African cultures, traditional medicine faces a number of challenges in the modern world. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of formal recognition and regulation. This has led to a situation where traditional healers are often seen as inferior to Western-trained doctors, and are not given the same level of respect or support. However, there are also many opportunities to promote and support traditional medicine, particularly in the areas of research, education, and collaboration with Western medicine.


Traditional medicine is a vital part of African cultures, and has played a crucial role in the health and well-being of millions of people. By gaining a better understanding of the beliefs and practices that underpin traditional medicine, we can develop a deeper appreciation for its importance and potential. By supporting and promoting traditional medicine, we can help to ensure that it continues to play a vital role in the health and well-being of African communities for generations to come.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Rediscovering African History: Highlighting the Unsung Heroes and Hidden Gems of Africa's Past

The importance of African history cannot be overstated. From the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Ethiopia to the great empires of West Africa, the continent has a rich and complex past that has influenced the world in countless ways. Unfortunately, much of this history is overlooked or undervalued in mainstream narratives. In this blog, we will highlight some of the unsung heroes and hidden gems of Africa's past, with the aim of celebrating and rediscovering this important history.

Unsung Heroes

When we think of African historical figures, certain names may come to mind - Nelson Mandela, Haile Selassie, and Kwame Nkrumah, to name a few. However, there are countless other individuals who have made significant contributions to their societies and to the world at large, but who are often overlooked.

One example is Mansa Musa, the 14th-century ruler of the Mali Empire. Musa is widely regarded as one of the richest people in history, thanks to his immense wealth and generosity. He is said to have distributed so much gold during his famous hajj to Mecca that the price of the precious metal plummeted for years afterward.

Another unsung hero is Queen Nzinga, a 17th-century ruler of the Ndongo and Matamba kingdoms in present-day Angola. Nzinga is remembered for her military tactics, diplomatic prowess, and fierce resistance against Portuguese colonizers. She is often cited as an inspiration for contemporary African feminists.

Finally, Shaka Zulu is a figure who is sometimes portrayed as a bloodthirsty warrior, but who was also a skilled politician and strategist. Zulu united numerous clans in what is now South Africa and transformed them into a formidable military force. He is also credited with inventing the "bull horn" formation, which was later used by European armies.

Hidden Gems

In addition to these unsung heroes, there are also many aspects of African history that are often overlooked or undervalued. For example, the ancient city of Timbuktu was once a center of learning and scholarship, with thousands of manuscripts housed in its libraries. Great Zimbabwe ruins in present-day Zimbabwe are a testament to the architectural skill and political power of the people who built them. And the rock churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia are a marvel of engineering and religious devotion.

These sites, and many others like them, provide valuable insights into African history and culture. They challenge our assumptions and expand our understanding of what was possible in precolonial Africa. Yet, they are often not given the recognition or protection they deserve.

Challenges to Rediscovering African History

Rediscovering African history is not without its challenges. One of the main obstacles is the legacy of colonialism. European powers often portrayed Africa as a "dark" and "uncivilized" continent, perpetuating myths and stereotypes that continue to influence our perceptions today. This has led to a lack of investment in African history, as well as a reluctance to take African sources seriously.

Another challenge is limited resources. Many African countries struggle with poverty and political instability, which can make it difficult to preserve historical sites and artifacts. In some cases, looting and destruction have occurred due to a lack of resources and security.

Finally, there needs to be more interest from mainstream academia. African history is still often seen as a niche field, with few opportunities for funding or career advancement. This can make it difficult for scholars to devote the time and energy necessary to fully uncover and analyze African history.


Despite these challenges, there is a growing interest in rediscovering African history. By highlighting unsung heroes and hidden gems, we can better understand the continent's past and its place in the world. We can also challenge the stereotypes and prejudices that continue to plague our perceptions of Africa today.

We encourage readers to continue learning about African history and spreading awareness of its importance. By doing so, we can ensure that the unsung heroes and hidden are never forgotten.

From Jollof Rice to Fried Plantains: Celebrating African Cuisine and Exploring Its Roots

African cuisine is known for its rich and diverse flavors, and has been gaining popularity in recent years. From spicy stews to sweet desserts, there's something for everyone to enjoy. In this blog post, we'll be exploring the roots of African cuisine, as well as some of the most popular dishes, such as Jollof Rice and Fried Plantains.

Exploring the Roots of African Cuisine:

African cuisine has been shaped by a variety of influences, including geography, climate, and cultural traditions. Many African countries have a long history of farming and agriculture, which has influenced the ingredients used in their cuisine. The continent's diverse climate and topography have also contributed to the range of flavors and cooking techniques used in African cuisine.

Popular African Dishes:

Jollof Rice is a popular West African dish, made with rice, tomatoes, onions, and a blend of spices. It's a staple dish in many West African countries, and is often served at celebrations and gatherings. Fried Plantains are another popular African dish, made by slicing and frying ripe plantains until they are golden brown. They can be served as a side dish or as a snack.

Other popular African dishes include:

Tagine: a slow-cooked stew of meat or vegetables, traditionally cooked in a clay pot
Injera: a sourdough flatbread, commonly eaten in Ethiopia and Eritrea
Bunny Chow: a South African dish of curry served inside a hollowed-out loaf of bread
Bobotie: a South African dish of spiced minced meat, baked with an egg-based topping
Egusi Soup: a West African soup made with ground melon seeds and vegetables
Celebrating African Cuisine:

African cuisine is not only delicious, but also represents a rich cultural heritage. By exploring the roots of African cuisine and trying new dishes, we can celebrate and honor this heritage. Whether you're cooking at home or trying new restaurants, there are endless opportunities to discover the flavors and diversity of African cuisine.


From Jollof Rice to Fried Plantains, African cuisine offers a rich and diverse array of flavors and dishes. By exploring the roots of African cuisine and trying new dishes, we can celebrate and honor this heritage. Whether you're a foodie or simply looking to expand your culinary horizons, African cuisine is definitely worth exploring.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

A Glimpse into African Spirituality: Understanding Ancestral Worship and Voodoo

African spirituality is a complex and diverse system of beliefs that varies from region to region. One of the most misunderstood aspects of African spirituality is the practice of ancestral worship and voodoo. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at these practices and try to understand their significance in African spirituality.

Understanding Ancestral Worship:

Ancestral worship is one of the oldest forms of African spirituality. It involves the veneration of ancestors, who are believed to be able to intercede on behalf of the living. Ancestors are often regarded as guardians and protectors of the family, and offerings are made to them in order to maintain their favor. These offerings can include food, drink, and other objects that are believed to be pleasing to the ancestors.

The Importance of Voodoo:

Voodoo is another aspect of African spirituality that is often misunderstood. Voodoo is a religion that originated in Haiti and is based on a blend of African spiritual practices and Catholicism. Voodoo practitioners believe in a pantheon of deities, including the creator deity Bondye, as well as a number of spirits or loa. These spirits are believed to be able to influence the lives of humans, and voodoo rituals are often performed in order to invoke their aid.

Misconceptions About African Spirituality:

Unfortunately, African spirituality, including ancestral worship and voodoo, has often been stigmatized and misrepresented in popular culture. It is important to recognize that these practices are not inherently harmful or evil, as they are often portrayed. Instead, they are an integral part of African cultural heritage and offer a unique perspective on the relationship between the living and the dead.


In conclusion, African spirituality is a rich and complex system of beliefs that has been shaped by centuries of history and culture. Ancestral worship and voodoo are two important aspects of this spirituality that offer a glimpse into the unique worldview of African people. By understanding these practices, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human spiritual experience.

Monday, March 13, 2023

African Literature: My Favorite Novels and Why They Matter


African literature is a rich and diverse field that encompasses a variety of genres and themes. As an African immigrant living in America, I have had the opportunity to explore and appreciate some of the best works of African literature. In this blog post, I will share with you some of my favorite African novels and explain why they are important.

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe:

Things Fall Apart is a masterpiece of African literature and is widely regarded as one of the most important works of the 20th century. Set in pre-colonial Nigeria, the novel tells the story of Okonkwo, a proud and ambitious Igbo warrior. The novel explores the clash between traditional African values and the influence of European colonialism. Through the character of Okonkwo, Achebe vividly portrays the complexities and contradictions of the African experience.

Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:

Half of a Yellow Sun is a powerful novel that chronicles the lives of several characters during the Nigerian-Biafran War. Adichie vividly portrays the human cost of war and the impact it has on individuals and families. The novel also explores issues of identity, race, and class in postcolonial Africa. Through her vivid and engaging storytelling, Adichie brings the history of the Biafran War to life and sheds light on a critical period in Nigerian history.

So Long a Letter by Mariama Ba:

So Long a Letter is a beautifully written novel that explores the lives of two women in Senegal. The novel is written as a letter from Ramatoulaye, a widow, to her friend Aissatou. Through Ramatoulaye's letter, Ba explores issues of gender, tradition, and modernity in African society. Ba's elegant prose and insightful commentary make this novel a must-read for anyone interested in African literature.

Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga:

Nervous Conditions is a groundbreaking novel that explores issues of race, gender, and colonialism in Zimbabwe. The novel tells the story of Tambu, a young girl who dreams of getting an education and breaking free from the constraints of her traditional society. Through Tambu's experiences, Dangarembga vividly portrays the challenges faced by women in postcolonial Africa. The novel is a powerful testament to the resilience and strength of African women.


African literature is a rich and complex field that offers a unique perspective on the African experience. Through these novels, we can gain a deeper understanding of the history, culture, and people of Africa. Whether you are an avid reader or simply looking to expand your literary horizons, these novels are a must-read. They offer a glimpse into a world that is both familiar and foreign, and remind us of the power of literature to inspire, challenge, and transform.

Rediscovering African Languages: The Beauty of Swahili, Yoruba, and More

Languages are a crucial component of a people's cultural heritage. They convey knowledge, values, and traditions from one generation to the next. Unfortunately, many African languages are on the verge of extinction, and their preservation has become a matter of concern. In this article, we will explore some of the fascinating African languages that are worth rediscovering.

Swahili: The Language of Unity

Swahili is one of the most widely spoken languages in Africa, with over 100 million speakers. It is a lingua franca in East Africa and the official language of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Swahili has its roots in the Bantu language family, but it has also been influenced by Arabic, Persian, Portuguese, and English.

One of the most remarkable features of Swahili is its ability to unite people from different ethnic groups. Swahili is not just a language; it is a culture that promotes unity, tolerance, and cooperation. Learning Swahili can help you understand the people, customs, and traditions of East Africa.

Yoruba: The Language of Art and Philosophy

Yoruba is a tonal language spoken in Nigeria, Togo, and Benin. It is the mother tongue of over 20 million people and one of the most studied African languages in the world. Yoruba has a rich cultural heritage and is renowned for its art, philosophy, and religion.

In Yoruba, words are not just a means of communication but also a way of expressing creativity and spirituality. The Yoruba language is rich in proverbs, idioms, and metaphors, which reflect the depth of Yoruba philosophy. Learning Yoruba can help you appreciate African art and philosophy.

Other Fascinating African Languages

Apart from Swahili and Yoruba, there are many other fascinating African languages worth exploring. For example:

Hausa: Spoken in Nigeria, Niger, and Ghana, Hausa is a tonal language with a unique writing system.

Amharic: The official language of Ethiopia, Amharic is a Semitic language with a distinctive script and a rich literary tradition.

Wolof: Spoken in Senegal, Gambia, and Mauritania, Wolof is a vibrant language with a strong oral tradition.

Zulu: The most widely spoken language in South Africa, Zulu is a Bantu language with a complex system of noun classes.


In conclusion, African languages are a rich and diverse cultural heritage that deserves to be rediscovered. Learning an African language can help you appreciate African culture, understand African people, and contribute to the preservation of African linguistic diversity.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

An Exploration of African Mythology: Uncovering the Stories of The Ancestors

As an African immigrant living in America, I am constantly reminded of the rich cultural heritage that I come from. One aspect of African culture that fascinates me is our mythology. Growing up, I heard countless stories about the gods, goddesses, and other mythical creatures that our ancestors believed in. In this blog post, I want to take you on a journey through African mythology and share some of the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation.

The Importance of Ancestors in African Mythology

One of the most important aspects of African mythology is the belief in ancestors. In many African cultures, it is believed that the ancestors are still with us and that they can influence our lives. Ancestors are seen as a link between the living and the dead and are honored through various rituals and ceremonies.

Stories and Legends of African Mythology

African mythology is a vast and complex subject, with countless stories and legends that vary from region to region. However, there are some stories that are common across many African cultures. Here are a few examples:

Anansi the Spider: Anansi is a trickster figure in West African mythology. He is often depicted as a spider who uses his cunning to outsmart his enemies.
Mami Wata: Mami Wata is a water spirit that is revered in many African cultures. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman with the tail of a fish.

Oya: Oya is a goddess of the Yoruba people of Nigeria. She is associated with wind, lightning, and storms.

Beliefs and Religion in African Mythology

African mythology is not just a collection of stories and legends – it is also a way of life. Many African cultures have a strong belief in the power of spirits and the supernatural. Religion plays a central role in many African societies, with rituals and ceremonies that are designed to appease the gods and goddesses.


African mythology is a fascinating subject that offers a glimpse into the beliefs and values of our ancestors. It is a rich and complex tradition that continues to influence African culture today. Whether it is through stories, legends, or religious practices, the mythology of Africa provides a window into the soul of the continent.

The Delicacies of Africa: My Top 10 Exotic Dishes

Africa is a continent that is full of unique and diverse cultures, and one of the best ways to experience these cultures is through their cuisine. From the spicy flavors of North Africa to the savory dishes of West Africa, there is something for everyone to enjoy. As an African immigrant in America, I have had the opportunity to taste many of the exotic dishes that my home continent has to offer. In this blog post, I will be sharing my top 10 favorite African dishes that may sound strange to some, but are definitely worth trying.

Jollof Rice:

Jollof rice is a staple dish in many West African countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, and Senegal. It is made with rice, tomatoes, onions, and a blend of spices. What makes it unique is that the rice is cooked in a tomato and spice sauce, giving it a distinct reddish color and a bold flavor.

Pounded Yam and Egusi Soup:

Pounded yam is a popular side dish in West Africa that is made by boiling yam and pounding it until it becomes a smooth and stretchy dough. It is often paired with a soup made from ground melon seeds, vegetables, and sometimes meat. The egusi soup has a nutty flavor and is a favorite among many Africans.

Fufu and Peanut Soup:

Fufu is another starchy side dish made by boiling cassava or yam and pounding it until it becomes a smooth dough. It is often eaten with peanut soup, which is made from ground peanuts and vegetables. The soup has a creamy texture and a sweet and savory flavor.

Bunny Chow:

Bunny Chow is a popular street food in South Africa that is made by hollowing out a loaf of bread and filling it with curry. The curry can be made with a variety of meats, including chicken, lamb, or beef, and is often spiced with chili peppers and curry powder.


Suya is a popular snack in West Africa that consists of skewered and grilled meat that is seasoned with a blend of spices, including chili pepper, ginger, and garlic. It is often served with onions, tomatoes, and a spicy peanut sauce.


Bobotie is a dish from South Africa that is made with spiced minced meat, eggs, and milk, and topped with a layer of savory custard. It is often served with yellow rice and is a favorite among many South Africans.


Braai is a traditional South African barbecue that is often served with a variety of meats, including beef, lamb, and boerewors, a type of sausage. It is often accompanied by side dishes such as pap, a type of porridge made from cornmeal, and chakalaka, a spicy relish made from tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers.

Moambe Chicken:

Moambe chicken is a dish from the Democratic Republic of Congo that is made with chicken cooked in a sauce made from palm oil, onions, and tomatoes. The sauce has a rich and slightly sweet flavor and is often served with rice or fufu.


Akara is a popular breakfast food in Nigeria that is made from black-eyed peas that have been soaked, ground, and fried into small fritters. They are often served with a spicy tomato sauce and bread.

Chapati and Pilau:

Chapati is a type of flatbread that is common in East Africa and is often served with pilau, a spicy rice dish that is made with a blend of spices, including cinnamon, cumin, and cardamom. It is often served with meat or vegetables.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The Art of African Braiding


African hair braiding has been an important cultural tradition for centuries. As an African immigrant living in America, I have personally experienced the significance of braiding in my life. In this blog, I will share my personal journey with African hair braiding, the history behind this art form, different techniques and styles used in braiding, and its cultural significance.

The History of African Hair Braiding

Hair braiding has a long history in Africa, with evidence of braided hairstyles dating back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Nubia. Braiding has been used to indicate social status, age, and cultural identity. Different braiding styles were also used to signify different events and occasions, such as weddings and coming-of-age ceremonies.

Braiding was an essential part of daily life in many African communities. Mothers would often braid their daughters' hair, passing down their braiding techniques from generation to generation. Braiding was also used as a way to bond and connect with others within the community.

My Journey with African Hair Braiding

Growing up in Africa, I learned how to braid hair at a young age. My mother and older sisters taught me how to braid, and it became a way for me to bond with them. When I moved to America, braiding became a way for me to connect with my African culture and feel a sense of belonging in a foreign country.

Over the years, I have experimented with different braiding styles, from cornrows to Senegalese twists. Each style has its own unique beauty, and I have enjoyed exploring different techniques and patterns.

The Art of Braiding: Techniques and Styles

Braiding is a highly skilled art form that requires patience and precision. There are different techniques used in African hair braiding, such as weaving and twisting. The different styles of braids include box braids, micro braids, and Ghana braids.

One of the most popular braiding styles is box braids. Box braids are created by dividing the hair into small sections and braiding each section with extensions. Micro braids are similar to box braids, but the sections are much smaller. Ghana braids, also known as Ghanaian braids, are a type of cornrow braids that are twisted instead of braided.

It is important to note that while African hair braiding is beautiful, it can also cause damage to the scalp if not done properly. It is important to take breaks in between braiding and ensure that the hair is not braided too tightly.

The Cultural Significance of African Hair Braiding

African hair braiding is not just a beauty practice but has deep cultural significance. Hair braiding has been used as a form of artistic expression and individuality in the African diaspora. Braiding has also been used to express one's cultural identity and pride.

African hair braiding businesses and practitioners have been an essential part of the African-American community, providing services and employment opportunities. It is important to support these businesses and practitioners and recognize the cultural significance of African hair braiding.


African hair braiding is a beautiful art form with a rich cultural history. My personal journey with African hair braiding has allowed me to connect with my African culture and feel a sense of belonging. The different techniques and styles used in African hair braiding are a testament to the creativity and skill of African artists. It is important to recognize and support African hair braiding businesses and practitioners and appreciate the beauty and significance of this art form.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Exploring Africa's Vibrant Arts Scene: Music, Dance, and Art

Africa is a continent that is rich in culture, and its arts scene is no exception. From the traditional beats of African drums to the contemporary fashion designs of African designers, the continent's arts are diverse, unique, and inspiring. In this article, we will explore the vibrant arts scene in Africa, highlighting the different genres of music, dance, and art that are shaping African culture and influencing global trends.

Traditional Music and Dance

Traditional African music and dance have been a part of African culture for centuries. They are a way for Africans to connect with their roots and their ancestors, and they often serve as a form of storytelling. African music is known for its rhythmic beats, created by traditional instruments like the djembe, kora, and balafon. The dances are often energetic and are performed in groups to create a sense of community.

Contemporary Music

In recent years, African music has become increasingly popular worldwide, with genres like Afrobeats, Afro-pop, and Afro-fusion gaining traction. African artists like Burna Boy, Wizkid, and Davido are leading the way in this musical revolution, and their music is enjoyed by millions of fans worldwide. The influence of African music is evident in the works of global superstars like Beyoncé, Drake, and Ed Sheeran, who have collaborated with African artists on their music.

Contemporary Art

African art has also been gaining recognition in the global art scene, with contemporary African artists making waves with their unique styles and themes. From the colorful and intricate beadwork of South Africa to the bold and expressive paintings of Nigeria, African art is diverse and captivating. African artists are exploring a range of themes, from identity and history to social and political issues.


Finally, African fashion is also making waves in the global fashion scene. African designers are bringing their unique perspectives and styles to the runway, creating bold, colorful, and expressive designs. From the Ankara fabrics of West Africa to the Maasai-inspired jewelry of East Africa, African fashion is diverse, rich, and inspiring. African fashion is not only influencing global fashion trends but also providing a platform for African designers to showcase their talent and creativity.


In conclusion, Africa's vibrant arts scene is a reflection of the continent's rich cultural heritage and diversity. From traditional music and dance to contemporary art and fashion, African artists are leaving their mark on the world, influencing global culture, and inspiring people everywhere. It is an exciting time to be a part of Africa's arts scene, and we look forward to seeing what the future holds.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Significance of African American Literature: A Look at History, Representation, Themes, and Contemporary Culture


African American literature is a powerful force that has shaped American culture and identity. It has brought the black experience to the forefront, providing a voice to a people who have been historically silenced. In this blog, we will explore the history of African American literature, the importance of representation, the themes and motifs that are commonly explored, and the role of African American literature in contemporary culture.

The History of African American Literature

African American literature has a rich history that dates back to the days of slavery when the earliest black writers used their work as a means of resistance against oppression. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 30s marked a significant moment in the emergence of black writers, who sought to redefine the black experience in America. Today, African American literature continues to evolve, with contemporary writers exploring new themes and genres.

The Importance of Representation

Representation in literature is powerful because it allows individuals to see themselves reflected in the stories that they read. African American representation in American culture is significant because it challenges the dominant narrative that has historically excluded black voices. African American literature has played an essential role in shaping American identity, as it has helped to redefine what it means to be American.

The Themes and Motifs of African American Literature

African American literature commonly explores themes related to race and racism, family, community, and tradition, and the African American identity. These themes and motifs are essential because they offer readers a deeper understanding of the black experience, providing insight into the struggles and triumphs of a people who have endured centuries of oppression.

African American Literature in Contemporary Culture

African American literature has had a significant impact on popular culture, from books to film and television. It has helped to shape the way in which black individuals are portrayed in the media and has contributed to the ongoing dialogue about race and racism in America. African American literature remains relevant in contemporary society because it continues to offer new perspectives and insights into the black experience.


African American literature is a powerful force that has shaped American culture and identity. Through the exploration of its history, the importance of representation, and the themes and motifs that are commonly explored, we have gained a deeper understanding of its significance. As we move forward, it is essential that we continue to support African American writers and literature to ensure that their voices are heard and that their stories are told. Let us continue to celebrate African American literature and the people who have contributed to its legacy.

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